Extract and monetize critical signals from your data with Google-like pattern search
TRND is a self-service platform for problem solvers to search for and predict trends and anomalies in time series data.

Easily identify meaningful data patterns that signal need for action.

Search for anomalies and recurring patterns at scale across all data.

Monetize quickly through timely predictions and decision automation.
See It In Action
Search & Monitor for Signals, Anomalies, and Trends
Trendalyze offers the most intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and monetize time series data.

Why Trendalyze? Operational Data Signals Matter.
Speed Counts
Decisions can't wait. Compress machine learning projects from months to minutes. Like Google, our AI search engine brings you insights instantly.
Precision Matters
Inaccuracy costs money. Patterns reveal what KPIs and averages miss. TRND uncovers the patterns that provide the early warning signs missing from the KPIs.
Ease of Use Is Key
Empower the decision maker. Trends are most relevant to decision makers who want to know whether a threat or an opportunity is bubbling up.
Collaboration Is Power
In the digital economy knowledge is money. TRND enables creation of sharable pattern libraries that facilitate fast learning and deployment for business improvement.
Scale Is Crucial
If you can't monitor all, you monetize none. TRND doesn't just find needles in haystacks; it constantly monitors all needles for relevant information.
Cost Is Fundamental
If you can't afford it, you can't do it. It used to be that scale broke the bank. Our search-based approach makes micro monitoring at scale affordable.
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